Sach Steffel – Principal Artist
“Always curious.”
Howard Moen – User Interface Artist
“I’m a crazy cat lover.”
You really have to be a jack-of-all-trades to work the various jobs in game animation.
Terrence Hicks – Freelance Digital Artist
“I’m the constant in the creative storm.”
Lisa Boleyn – Senior Game Designer
“If you can’t walk, dance.”
Jeffrey Clarke – Game Designer
“I am the sassy gay friend of design.”
Tristan Sacramento – Senior Animator
“I like to make stuff.”
Vernon Dunmore – Senior Game Designer
“Life has given me a unique lens that keeps the world in focus.”
…that doesn’t really touch upon the need for other types of stories, there are still a vast number of very personal stories to be told.
Grace Lingad – Senior Level Designer
“Omnia mea mecum porto”
(All that I have I carry with me)